Welcome to the HPC Center (HPCC)

2 minute read


The High-Performance Computing Center (HPCC) provides state-of-the-art research computing infrastructure and training accessible to all UCR researchers and affiliates at low cost. Currently, it supports over 150 research groups with more than 800 active users. Its resources are also heavily used for instructing undergraduate and graduate classes in a wide range of computational, statistical, life science and engineering disciplines.

Quick start

The following lists the most frequently visted pages of the HPCC site. They can also be accessed via the navigation system outlined below.

  • Top menu located in bar on top of each page provides links to the main content categories
  • Section menu to the left links to subpages of each main category
  • Table of content to the right links to sections within each page

Gain access

HPC usage

Infrastructure description

Help and contacts

Last modified February 28, 2024: Update introduction.md (4be2198cc)