Managing Jobs
18 minute read
What is a Job?
Submitting and managing jobs is at the heart of using the cluster. A ‘job’ refers to the script, pipeline or experiment that you run on the nodes in the cluster.
Jobs are submitted to so-called partitions (or queues). Each partition is a group of nodes, often with similar hardware specifications (e.g. CPU or RAM configurations). The quota policies applying to each partitions are outlined on the Queue Policies page.
- epyc
- Nodes: r21-r38
- Supported Extensions1: AVX, AVX2, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
- RAM: 1 GB default
- Time (walltime): 168 hours (7 days) default
- intel
- Default partition
- Nodes: i01-02,i17-i40
- CPU: Intel
- Supported Extensions1: AVX, AVX2, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
- RAM: 1 GB default
- Time (walltime): 168 hours (7 days) default
- batch
- Nodes: c01-c48
- Supported Extensions1: AVX, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
- RAM: 1 GB default
- Time (walltime): 168 hours (7 days) default
- highmem
- Nodes: h01-h06
- CPU: Intel
- Supported Extensions1: AVX, SSE, SSE2, SSE4
- RAM: 100 GB to 1000 GB
- Time (walltime): 48 hours (2 days) default
- gpu
- Nodes: gpu01-gpu06
- CPU: AMD/Intel
- GPUs: NVIDIA K80, A100, P100
- RAM: 1 GB default
- Time (walltime): 48 hours (2 days) default
- short
- Nodes: Mixed set of nodes from batch, intel, and group partitions
- Cores: AMD/Intel
- RAM: 1 GB default
- Time (walltime): 2 hours Maximum
- Lab Partitions
- If your lab has purchased nodes then you will have a priority partition with the same name as your group (ie. girkelab).
In order to submit a job to different partitions add the optional ‘-p’ parameter with the name of the partition you want to use:
sbatch -p batch
sbatch -p highmem
sbatch -p epyc
sbatch -p gpu
sbatch -p intel
sbatch -p mygroup
Slurm is used as a queuing system across all head nodes. SSH directly into the cluster and your connection will be automatically load balanced to a head node:
ssh -XY
Resources and Limits
To see your limits you can do the following:
Check total number of cores used by your group in the all partitions:
However this does not tell you when your job will start, since it depends on the duration of each job. The best way to do this is with the “–start” flag on the squeue command:
squeue --start -u $USER
Submitting Jobs
There are 2 basic ways to submit jobs; non-interactive and interactive. Slurm will automatically start within the directory where you submitted the job from, so keep that in mind when you use relative file paths.
Non-interactive Submission
Non-interactive jobs are submitted as SBATCH scripts, an example is as follows:
Here is an example of an SBATCH script:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=10
#SBATCH --mem=10G
#SBATCH --time=1-00:15:00 # 1 day and 15 minutes
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --job-name="just_a_test"
#SBATCH -p epyc # You can use any of the following; epyc, intel, batch, highmem, gpu
# Print current date
# Load samtools
module load samtools
# Concatenate BAMs
samtools cat -h header.sam -o out.bam in1.bam in2.bam
# Print name of node
The above job will request 1 node, 10 cores (parallel threads), 10GB of memory, for 1 day and 15 minutes. An email will be sent to the user when the status of the job changes (Start, Failed, Completed). For more information regarding parallel/multi core jobs refer to Parallelization.
Interactive Submission
Interactive jobs are submitted using srun
. An example is as follows:
srun --pty bash -l
If you do not specify a partition then the “hpcc_default” partition is used by default.
Here is a more complete example:
srun --mem=1gb --cpus-per-task 1 --ntasks 1 --time 10:00:00 --x11 --pty bash -l
The above example enables X11 forwarding and requests 1GB of memory and 1 core for 10 hours within an interactive session.
Feature Constraints
Using the --constraint
(or -C
flag) allows you to fine-tune what type of machine your job can run on, mainly useful on the “short” partitions. Below is a list of nodes as well as what features exist for each node type.
Nodes | Features |
c[01-47] | amd, abu_dhabi |
h[01-06] | |
gpu[01-04] | gpu_legacy |
gpu05 | gpu_prev |
gpu[06-08] | gpu_latest, gpu_highmem |
gpu09 | gpu_latest |
i[01-62] | intel, broadwell |
r[01-06] | amd, rome |
r[07-38] | amd, milan |
r[41-43] | amd, milan |
x[01-06] | intel, cascade |
Constraint Examples
Since jobs on the “short” partition can run on any node, jobs can be narrowed down using constraints.
If you require an Intel node of any generation:
srun -p short -t 2:00:00 -c 8 --mem 8GB --constraint intel --pty bash -l
If you require an AMD node, but want it to be Rome or Milan generation (ie. not Abu Dhabi):
srun -p short -t 2:00:00 -c 8 --mem 8GB --constraint "amd&(rome|milan)" --pty bash -l
If you want to run on a modern GPU machine:
srun -p short_gpu -t 2:00:00 -c 8 --mem 8GB --gpu:1 --constraint "gpu_latest" --pty bash -l
When using constraints with GPUs, make sure to request a generic GPU
Monitoring Jobs
To check on your jobs states, run the following:
squeue -u $USER --start
To list all the details of a specific job (the JOBID can be found using squeue
), run the following:
scontrol show job JOBID
To view past jobs and their details, run the following:
sacct -u $USER -l
You can also adjust the start -S
time and/or end -E
time to view, using the YYYY-MM-DD format.
For example, the following command uses start and end times:
sacct -u $USER -S 2018-01-01 -E 2018-08-30 -l | less -S # Type 'q' to quit
Custom command for summarizing activity of all users on cluster
jobMonitor # or qstatMonitor
Canceling Jobs
In cancel/stop your job run the following:
scancel JOBID
You can also cancel multiple jobs:
If you want to cancel/stop/kill ALL your jobs it is possible with the following:
# Be very careful when running this, it will kill all your jobs.
squeue --user $USER --noheader --format '%i' | xargs scancel
For more information please refer to Slurm scancel documentation.
Optimizing Jobs
After a job has been completed, you can use seff ##
("##" being your Slurm Job ID) to check how many resources your job consumed during it’s run. seff
is only useful after a job has completed, and will not give useful information on currently-running jobs.
For example:
$ seff 123123
Job ID: 123123
Cluster: hpcc
User/Group: your_username/yourlab
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Nodes: 1
Cores per node: 20
CPU Utilized: 03:26:14
CPU Efficiency: 95.04% of 03:37:00 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:10:51
Memory Utilized: 81.20 GB
Memory Efficiency: 81.20% of 100.00 GB
In the above example, we can see good utilization of the CPU cores (95%) as well as good utilization of memory usage (81%).
If CPU Efficiency is low, make sure that the program(s) you are running makes use of multi-threading correctly. Requesting more cores for a job will not make your program run faster if it does not properly take advantage of them.
If Memory Efficiency is low, then you can try reducing the requested memory for a job. Note: Just because you see your job uses 81.20GB of memory does not mean that next time you should request exactly 81.20GB of memory. Variations in input data will cause different memory usage characteristics. You should try to aim to request ~20% higher memory then will actually be used to account for any spikes in memory usage. Slurm might miss some quick spikes of memory usage, but the Operating System will not. In this regard it’s better to overestimate on initial runs, and scale back once you find a good limit.
Slurm Job Reason/Error Codes
If a job is stuck in the queue or fails to start, there are typically Slurm error codes assigned that explain the reason. Typically these are a bit hard to parse, so below is a table of common error codes and how to work around them.
Error Code | Reason | Fix |
Resources | This isn’t an error, but rather why your job can’t start immediately. | Once requested resources are available, then your job will start. |
Priority | This isn’t an error, but rather why your job can’t start immediately. | You have likely submitted many jobs in a short period of time and Slurm’s Fair-Share algorithm is allowing other higher priority jobs to run first. |
QOSMaxWallDurationPerJobLimit | The time limit requested on the selected partition goes over the limits. For example, requesting 2 days on the “short” partition. | Make sure that you are within the partition’s time limit. Please refer to the Queue Policies page for the per-partition time limits. |
AssocGrpCpuLimit | You are exceeding the Per-User CPU limit on a specific partition. | You must wait until jobs finish within a partition to free up resources to allow additional jobs to run. |
AssocGrpMemLimit | You are exceeding the Per-User Memory limit on a specific partition. | You must wait until jobs finish within a partition to free up resources to allow additional jobs to run. |
MaxSubmitJobLimit | You are trying to submit more than 5000 jobs. There is a 5000 job limit per-user for queued and running jobs. | Wait until some of your jobs finish, then you can continue submitting jobs. |
ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance | The time limit of your job would cause it to overlap with an upcoming maintenance. | You can either reduce your job’s runtime or wait for the maintenance to complete. |
This is only a small number of the most common reasons. For a full list please see Slurm’s Job Reason Codes page. If you are confused as to why you’re getting a specific reason, please reach out to support.
Advanced Jobs
There is a third way of submitting jobs by using steps. Single Step submission:
srun <command>
Under a single step job your command will hang until appropriate resources are found and when the step command is finished the results will be sent back on STDOUT. This may take some time depending on the job load of the cluster. Multi Step submission:
salloc -N 4 bash -l
srun <command>
srun <command>
Under a multi step job the salloc command will request resources and then your parent shell will be running on the head node. This means that all commands will be executed on the head node unless preceeded by the srun command. You will also need to exit this shell in order to terminate your job.
Array Jobs
If a large batch of fairly similar jobs need to be submitted, an Array Job might be a good option. For an array job, include the --array
parameter in your sbatch script, similar to the following:
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 # This will be the number of CPUs per individual array job
#SBATCH --mem=1G # This will be the memory per individual array job
#SBATCH --time=0-00:15:00 # 15 minutes
#SBATCH --array=1-2500
#SBATCH --job-name="just_a_test"
echo "I have array ID ${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}"
Within each job, the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
environment variable is set and can be used to slightly change how each job is run.
Note that there is a 2500 job limit for array jobs.
More information can be found on the Slurm Documentation including other Environment Variables that are set per-job.
Highmem Jobs
The highmem partition does not have a default amount of memory set, however it does has a minimum limit of 100GB per job. This means that you need to explicity request at least 100GB or more of memory.
sbatch -p highmem --mem=100g --time=24:00:00
srun -p highmem --mem=100g --time=24:00:00 --pty bash -l
Of course you should adjust the time argument according to your job requirements.
GPU Jobs
GPU nodes have multiple GPUs, and vary in type (K80, P100, or A100). This means you need to request how many GPUs and of what type that you would like to use.
To request a gpu of any type, only indicate how many GPUs you would like to use.
sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00
srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:4 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00 --pty bash -l
Since the HPCC Cluster has three types of GPUs installed (K80s, P100s, and A100s), GPUs can be requested explicitly by type.
sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:k80:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00
sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:p100:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00
sbatch -p gpu --gres=gpu:a100:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00
srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:k80:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00 --pty bash -l
srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:p100:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00 --pty bash -l
srun -p gpu --gres=gpu:a100:1 --mem=100g --time=1:00:00 --pty bash -l
Of course you should adjust the time argument according to your job requirements.
Once your job starts your code must reference the environment variable “CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES” which will indicate which GPUs have been assigned to your job. Most CUDA enabled software, like MegaHIT, will check this environment variable and automatically limit accordingly.
For example, after reserving 4 GPUs for a NAMD2 job:
namd2 +idlepoll +devices $CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES MD1.namd
Each group is limited to a maximum of 8 GPUs on the gpu partition. Please be respectful of others and keep in mind that the GPU nodes are a limited shared resource. Since the CUDA libraries will only run with GPU hardware, development and compiling of code must be done within a job session on a GPU node.
Here are a few more examples of jobs that utilize more complex features (ie. array, dependency, MPI etc): Slurm Examples
Web Browser Access
Some jobs require web browser access in order to utilize the software effectively. These kinds of jobs typically use (bind) ports in order to provide a graphical user interface (GUI) through a web browser. Users are able to run jobs that use (bind) ports on a compute node. Any port can be used on any compute node, as long as the port number is greater than 1000 and it is not already in use (bound).
Once a job is running on a compute node and bound to a port, you may access this compute node via a web browser. This is accomplished by using 2 chained SSH tunnels to route traffic through our firewall. This acts much like 2 runners in a relay race, handing the baton to the next runner, to get past a security checkpoint.
Running the following command on your local machine will create a tunnel that goes though a headnode and connect to a compute node on a particular port.
ssh -NL 8888:NodeName:8888
Port 8888 (first) is the local port you will be using on your local machine.
NodeName is the compute node where where job is running, which can be found by using the squeue -u $USER
Port 8888 (second) is the remote port on the compute node.
Again, the NodeName and ports will be different depending on where your job runs and what port your job uses.
At this point you may need to provide a password to make the SSH tunnel. Once this has succeeded, the command will hang (this is normal). Leave this session connected, if you close it your tunnel will be closed.
Then open a browser on your local computer (PC/laptop) and point it to:
If your job uses TSL/SSL, so you may need to try https if the above does not work:
A perfect example of this method is used for Jupyter Lab/Notebook. For more details please refer to the JupyterLab Usage page.
RStudio Server instances can also be started directly on a compute node and accessed via an SSH tunnel. For details see here.
Desktop Environments
VNC Server (cluster)
Start VNC Server
Log into the cluster:
The VNC programs are only available on Compute Nodes, and additionally the first time you run the vncserver it will need to be configured:
srun -p epyc -c 2 --mem 4GB -t 10:00 --pty bash -l # Start compute session
vncserver -fg # Configure VNC
exit # Leave compute session
You should set a password for yourself, and the read-only password is optional.
After your vncserver is configured, submit a vncserver job to get it started:
sbatch -p epyc --cpus-per-task=4 --mem=10g --time=2:00:00 --wrap='vncserver -fg' --output='vncserver-%j.out'
Note: Appropriate job resources should be requested based on the processes you will be running from within the VNC session.
Check the contents of your job log to determine the NodeName
and Port
you were assigned:
cat vncserver-*.out
The contents of your slurm job log should be similar to the following:
New 'i54:1' desktop is i54:1
Creating default startup script /rhome/username/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /rhome/username/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is /rhome/username/.vnc/i54:1.log
The VNC Port
used should be 5900+N, N being the display number mentioned above in the format NodeName
(ie. i54:1
In this example (default), the port is 5901
, if this Port
were already in use then the vncserver will automatically increment the DisplayNumber and you might find something like i54:2
or i54:3
and so on.
Stop VNC Server
To stop the vncserver, you can click on the logout option from the upper right hand menu from within your VNC desktop environment. If you want to kill your vncserver manually, then you will need to do the following:
ssh NodeName 'vncserver -kill :DisplayNumber'
You will need to replace NodeName
with the node name of your where your job is running, and the DisplayNumber
with the DisplayNumber from your slurm job log.
VNC Client (Desktop/Laptop)
After you know the NodeName
and VNC Port
you should be able to create an SSH tunnel to your vncserver, like so:
ssh -N -L Port:NodeName:Port
Now let us create an SSH tunnel on your local machine (desktop/laptop) using the NodeName
and VNC Port
from above:
ssh -L 5901:i54:5901
After you have logged into the cluster with this shell, log into the node where your VNC server is running:
ssh NodeName
After you have logged into the correct NodeName
, just let this terminal sit here, do not close it.
Then launch vncviewer on your local system (laptop/workstation), like so:
vncviewer localhost:5901
After launching the vncviewer, and providing your VNC password (not your cluster password), you should be able to see a Linux desktop environment.
For more information regarding tunnels and VNC in MS Windows, please refer More VNC Info.
There are 3 major ways to parallelize work on the cluster:
- Batch
- Thread
Parallel Methods
For batch jobs, all that is required is that you have a way to split up the data and submit multiple jobs running with the different chunks. Some data sets, for example a FASTA file is very easy to split up (ie. fasta-splitter). This can also be more easily achieved by submitting an array job. For more details please refer to Advanced Jobs.
For threaded jobs, your software must have an option referring to “number of threads” or “number of processors”. Once the thread/processor option is identified in the software, (ie. blastn flag -num_threads 4
) you can use that as long as you also request the same number of CPU cores (ie. slurm flag --cpus-per-task=4
For MPI jobs, your software must be MPI enabled. This generally means that it was compiled with MPI libraries. Please refer to the user manual of the software you wish to use as well as our documentation regarding MPI. It is important that the number of cores used is equal to the number requested.
In Slurm you will need 2 different flags to request cores, which may seem similar, however they have different purposes:
- The
will provide N number of virtual cores with locality as a factor. Closer virtual cores can be faster, assuming there is a need for rapid communication between threads. Generally, this is good for threading, however not so good for independent subprocesses nor for MPI. - The
flag will provide N number of physical cores on a single or even multiple nodes. These cores can be further away, since the need for physical CPUs and dedicated memory is more important. Generally this is good for independent subprocesses, and MPI, however not so good for threading.
Here is a table to better explain when to use these Slurm options:
Slurm Flag | Single Threaded | Multi Threaded (OpenMP) | MPI only | MPI + Multi Threaded (hybrid) |
--cpus-per-task | X | X | ||
--ntasks | X | X |
As you can see:
- A single threaded job would use neither Slurm option, since Slurm already assumes at least a single core.
- A multi threaded OpenMP job would use
. - A MPI job would use
. - A Hybrid job would use both.
For more details on how these Slurm options work please review Slurm Multi-core/Multi-thread Support.
MPI stands for the Message Passing Interface. MPI is a standardized API typically used for parallel and/or distributed computing. The HPCC cluster has a custom compiled versions of MPI that allows users to run MPI jobs across multiple nodes. These types of jobs have the ability to take advantage of hundreds of CPU cores symultaniously, thus improving compute time.
Many implementations of MPI exists, however we only support the following:
For general information on MPI under Slurm look here. If you need to compile an MPI application then please email for assistance.
When submitting MPI jobs it is best to ensure that the nodes are identical, since MPI is sensitive to differences in CPU and/or memory speeds.
The batch
and intel
partitions are designed to be homogeneous, however, the short
partition is a mixed set of nodes.
When using the short
partition for MPI append the constraint flag for Slurm.
Short Example
Here is an example that shows how to ensure that your job will only run on intel
nodes from the short
sbatch -p short --constraint=intel
NAMD Example
To run a NAMD2 process as an OpenMPI job on the cluster:
Log-in to the cluster
Create SBATCH script
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH -J c3d_cr2_md #SBATCH -p epyc #SBATCH --ntasks=32 #SBATCH --mem=16gb #SBATCH --time=01:00:00 # Load needed modules # You could also load frequently used modules from within your ~/.bashrc module load slurm # Should already be loaded module load openmpi # Should already be loaded module load namd # Run job utilizing all requested processors # Please visit the namd site for usage details: mpirun --mca btl ^tcp namd2 run.conf &> run_namd.log
Submit SBATCH script to Slurm queuing system
Maker Example
OpenMPI does not function properly with Maker, you must use MPICH. Our version of MPICH does not use the mpirun/mpiexec wrappers, instead use srun:
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH -p epyc
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
#SBATCH --mem=16gb
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
# Load maker
module load maker/2.31.11
mpirun maker # Provide appropriate maker options here
More examples
The range of differing jobs and how to submit them is endless:
1. Singularity containers
2. Database services
3. Graphical user interfaces
4. Etc ...
For a growing list of examples please visit HPCC Slurm Examples.
These only list the most common CPU Extensions for each platform. A full list of supported extensions can be found using the
command on the respective node type. ↩︎